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Hospital Management System

      As technology advances, information in different organizations can no more be maintained manually. There is a growing need for the information to become computerized so that it can be suitably stored. This is where databases are formulated. Databases are convenient storage systems which can store large amounts of data and together with application programs such as interfaces they can aid in faster retrieval of data. To design a complete database system for a hospital management so that its information can be stored, maintained, updated and retrieved conveniently and efficiently. Hospital Management system deals with the collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details, etc. The main function of the system is to register and store patient details and doctor details and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully.
The need for developing Hospital Management Database System is,
<     1. Efficiently maintains the details about the patient
<     2.  Simultaneously updates changes made to any data, item in the entire data base.
<     3.   It is faster than manual system
It is very difficult to retrieve data from case files in hospital directory. It is difficult to handle the whole system manually and it is less accurate and to keep the data in case files for future reference because it may get destroyed. Redundancy of data may occur and this may lead to the inconsistency. The manual system is so time-consuming. Database system is very easy to operate. Speed and accuracy are the main advantages of database system. There is no redundancy of data. The data are stored in the computer’s secondary memories like hard disk, etc.it can be easily receive and use at any time.

Entity Relationship Model (ERM)

<      1)  ER Diagram

In the ER diagram, we can view the entities- Patient, Doctor, Receptionist, Department, Medicine, Test, OT(Operation Theatre), Room, Nurse, Ward_ boy,  Driver, Ambulance, Carriers, Accountant and Bill. Among these entities, relationships exist which connect all the entities in the diagram. For example, Patient, Doctor and Receptionist are connected via the relationship appointment. In other words, a receptionist will set up a doctor’s appointment for a patient. Similarly, Doctor, Patient and Medicine are connected via the relationship prescription. Here, a doctor may prescribe one or more medicine to a patient. In a similar way, other entities are connected via relationships in a meaningful way.
<      2)   Cardinalities
One doctor can be from one or many departments. One department may have one or many doctors. So it is a many to many relationship named doctor from department (in the diamond).
Ternary Relationship
    One receptionist can admit one patient in one room in a certain date and time. One receptionist can admit in one room one patient in a certain date and time. In one room, one patient is admitted by one receptionist in a certain date and time. So the relationship is a ternary relationship named admission (in the diamond) with the cardinality ratio from patient to receptionist to room being one to one to one.
B. Relational Model
     The entire ER diagram can be converted to a Relational Model. The attribute(s) of a relation which serve as a primary key of the table are underlined. Those attribute(s) which represent foreign keys are indicated as fk underneath .
i)Patient(Pat_id, Pat_name, age, sex, Address, DOB, MOB)
Here DOB refers to patient’s date of birth and MOB refers to mobile number.
ii)Room(Room_id, Room_No, Room_type, Room_cost)
iii)Admission(admsn_id, Pat_id, Room_id, Rcp_id, date, time)
                               (fk) (fk) (fk)
       This is a junction table among Patient, Room and Receptionist tables. Primary key of the Patient table goes to Admission table as foreign key. Primary key of the Room table goes to Admission table as foreign key. Primary key of the Receptionist table goes to Admission table as foreign key. Admsn_id is a primary key in the Admission table. Since the cardinality ratio from Patient to Receptionist to Room is 1 to 1 to 1, Pat_Id from Patient table, Room_Id from Room table and Rcp_Id from Receptionist table become foreign keys in the table
Admission junction table
iv)Receptionist(rcp_id, rcp_name, Age, Address, MOB, Shifting)
     Here Shifting refers to morning, afternoon or night shifts.
v)Doctor Table(Doc_id, Doc_name, Age, Address, Salary, MOB, Designation, Passed_from)
Here Passed_from indicates passed from which institution.
vi)Appointment(Ap_id, Pat_id, Doc_id, Rcp_id, Ap_date, Ap_time)
                                 (fk) (fk) (fk)
 This is a junction table between Patient, Receptionist &
Doctor tables.
vii)Bill(Bill_id, Bill_purpose, Bill_total)
Here Bill_purpose refers to the cause e.g blood test for which the bill is paid.
viii)Accountant(Acct_id, Acct_name, Age, Address, MOB, Working_time, Acct_salary)
ix)Payment Table (Pay_id, Bill_id, Pat_id, Acct_id, Pay_type, Pay_date)
                                     (fk) (fk)
      This is a junction table between Patient, Bill & Accountant tables. Primary key of the Patient Table goes to Payment table as foreign key. Primary key of the Accountant Table goes to Payment table as foreign key. Primary Key of the Bill Table becomes a part of the primary key in Payment table. (Pay_id, Bill_id) is the primary key in the Payment table. Since the cardinality ratio from Patient to Accountant to Bill is 1 to 1 to
C (which stands for many), Pat_Id from Patient table and Acct_id from Accountant table become foreign Keys in the Payment table while Bill_id from Bill table becomes a part of the primary key in the Payment table. In this table, pay_type refers to the type of payment such as cash, pay order, check or credit card.
x)Medicine(Mdcn_id, Mdcn_name, company, m_date, e_date, price)
    m_date refers to manufacture date. e_date refers to expiry date.
xi)Prescription( Prs_id, Doc_id, Mdcn_id, Pat_id, date, fee)
                                (fk) (fk)
This is a junction table between Patient, Doctor & Medicine tables.
xii)Test(Test_id, Test_name, date, rep_date, fee)
Here rep-date refers to the date the report of the test will be given.
xiii)Assist(Srl_no, Pat_id, Doc_id, Test_id, time, date)
                        (fk) (fk)
This is a junction table between Patient, Doctor & Test tables. Srl_no corresponds to serial number of conducted test.
xiv)OT (Ot_id, Ot-room_no)
 Here OT refers to Operation Theater.
xv) Operation(Op_id, Doc_id, Pat_id, Ot_id, Op_date)
Here Nrs_wo_shift refers to the working shift of the nurse such as morning, afternoon or night shifts.
xix) Nursing_Service(Ns_id, Pat_id_, Nrs_id, Room_id)
This is a junction table between Patient, Room & Nurse tables.
xx) Ward_Boy(Wb_id, Wb_name, MoB, w_shift, Salary)
Here w_shift refers to working shift of a ward boy.
xxi)Cleaning _Service(Cls_id, Pat_id, Wb_id, Room_id)
This is a junction table between Patient , Room & Ward_Boy tables.
xxii)Driver(Dr_id, Dr_name, MoB, Address, Shift, Salary)
xxiii)Ambulance(Amb_id, Amb_num, Capacity)
xxiv)Ambulance_Service(As_id, Pat_id, Dr_id, Amb_id)
                                     (fk) (fk) (fk)
This is a junction table between Patient, Driver & Ambulance tables.
xxv)Carriers(Cr_id, Cr_name, MOB, Address, Salary)
Carriers are those persons who carry patients from the ambulance to the hospital premises.
xxvi)Carrying_Service Table(CS_id, Cr_id, Amb_id, Pat_id)
(fk) (fk)
This is a junction table between Patient, Ambulance & Carriers tables.
C. Functional Dependencies and Normalization
1) Fulfillment of all normal forms
Room Table:-
(1)Room(Room_id, Room_No, Room_type, Room_cost)
{Room_id} => {Room_No}
    Here Room-id corresponds to serial numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. Room_No corresponds to designated numbers of rooms like 206, 307, 508 etc. A Functional Dependency exists from Room_No to Room_id because two different Room_Nos cannot correspond to the same Room_id. Similarly, the following functional dependencies exist:
{Room_id} => {Room_type}
{Room_id} => {Room_cost}
Considering the above full functional dependencies, we now verify whether the relation fulfills Codd’s stringent rules of normalization. [1,2,5]
This is a junction table between Patient, Doctor & OT tables.
xvi) Department(Dept_id, Dept_name, treatment)
xvii) Doctor_from_Department(Dfd_id, Doc_id, Dept_id)
This is a junction table between Doctor & Department tables.
xviii)Nurse(Nrs_id, Nrs_name, Age, Address, MoB, Nrs_wo_shift, experience, salary)
     The relation is in 1NF because the attributes of the relation do not have sub attributes. The relation is in 2NF because non-primary keys are fully functionally dependent on primary key. The relation is in 3NF because no transitive dependency exists from non-primary key to primary key. The relation is in BCNF because there is no part of primary key that is fully functionally dependent on non primary key. Similarly, all other relations of the system follow Codd’s rules of normalization except the Payment table which is explained below.

2) Violation of Normal forms
Payment Table :-
This is a junction table between Patient, Bill & Accountant tables.
(1)Payment(Pay_id, Pat_id, Bill_id, Acct_id, Pay_type,Pay_date)
 For the above relation, the following functional dependencies exist:
{Pay_id}=> {Pay_type, Pay_date, Pat_id}
 Two different patient ids, payment dates and payment types cannot correspond to the same payment id. So Pay_type, Pay_date and Pat_id are fully functionally dependent on Pay_id.
{Bill_id}=> {Acct_id , Pat_id}
Similarly two different accountant ids and patient ids cannot correspond to the same bill id. So Acct_Id and Pat_id are fully functionally dependent on Bill_id. Based on the above functional dependencies: The relation is in 1NF. The relation is not in 2NF because all non-primary keys are not fully functionally dependent on the primary key (Pay_id, Bill_id). So we split the relation to make it 2NF.
(2)Payment1(Pay_id, Pay_Type, Pay_date, Pat_id)
(3)Payment2 (BP_id, Bill_id, Acct_id, Pat_id)
{BP_id stands for Bill Pay id and corresponds to serial numbers of all bills such as 1, 2, 3 etc in ascending order. Bill_id on the other hand corresponds to the bill code numbers}.The relations are now in 2NF.The relations are in 3NF.The relations are in BCNF.
D. Implementation in SQL Server
 SQL server is a modern software where we can store huge amount of information via a database. In fact we have implemented our database system in SQL server. In this server we can store data easily, retrieve data speedily and execute the queries conveniently by SQL query language. We can create relations easily by code and also manually.
Patientdetails2 table
CREATE TABLE Patientdetails2(Regno  varchar(10),Name  varchar(20),Gender  varchar(10),Age  varchar(10),City  varchar(20),mobno  varchar(10));
INSERT INTO  Patientdetails2 VALUES(1001,’Silpa’,’Female’,23,’Trivandrum’,’986753’);
INSERT INTO  Patientdetails2 VALUES(1002,’Krishna’,’Female’,22,’Kollam’,’956471’);
INSERT INTO  Patientdetails2 VALUES(1003,’Lejin’,’Male’,27,’Adoor’,’875643’);
INSERT INTO  Patientdetails2 VALUES(1004,’Anand’,’Male’,35,’Kottayam’,’865943’);
Alter table Patientdetails2 ADD Religion varchar(10);
CREATE TABLE Patientmedicine2(Diagnosisno varchar(10),Medicineno varchar(10),Medicinename varchar(20),Noofdoses varchar(10));
INSERT  INTO  Patientmedicine2  VALUES(78,’435’,’Dolo-650’,’3’);
INSERT INTO  Patientmedicine2  VALUES(54,’876’,’Ablavar’,’2’);
INSERT INTO  Patientmedicine2  VALUES(63,’243’,’Baclofen’,’3’);
INSERT INTO  Patientmedicine2  VALUES(25,’645’,’Palifermin’,’4’);

CREATE TABLE Doctorsdetails2(Doctid varchar(10), Doctname  varchar(10),DOB varchar(10),Eduqualif varchar(20),deptment varchar(20),Salary  varchar(20),phneno varchar(10),emailid  varchar(20));
INSERT INTO  Doctorsdetails2 VALUES(43,’Dr.james ’,’24-08-1983’,’MBBS’,’Cardiology’,’70000’,’914323’,’jame@gmail.com’);
INSERT INTO  Doctorsdetails2  VALUES(7658,’Dr.Sanjay ’,’19-11-1985’,’MBBS’,’Medicine’,’30000’,’897645’,’sanjay@gmail.com’);
INSERT INTO  Doctorsdetails2  VALUES(2354,’Dr.Ann’,’22-03-1980’,’MBBS’,’opthalmology’,’600000’,’856790’,’Ann@gmail.com’);
INSERT INTO  Doctorsdetails2 VALUES(2354,’Dr.vimal’,’22-03-1980’,’MBBS’,’opthalmology’,’600000’,’856790’,’vimal@gmail.com’);
Alter table Doctorsdetails2 ADD docmob varchar(10);
Update Doctorsdetails2 set docmob=345675 where  doctid=2354;
    Our database contains all the information needed to be maintained in the hospital management system. As we have computerized the entire system via a database, the maintenance is very convenient and efficient and also retrieval of data according to demand is speedy. Therefore, our designed system is a good and useful implementation. We can further improvise it by  enhancing its security. This system is used to interface with the SQL Server and hence data accessed, retrieved and searched for far better in a more efficient and convenient form.


Overview of .NET

       It is not a programming language, but it supports several programming languages. By default .net comes with few programming languages including C# (C Sharp), VB.NET, J# and managed C++. .NET is a common platform for all the supported languages. It gives a common class library, which can be called from any of the supported languages.
    When you write code in any language and compile, it will be converted to an 'Intermediate Language' (Microsoft Intermediate Language - MSIL). So, your compiled executable contains the IL and not really executable machine language. When the .NET application runs, the .NET framework in the target computer take care of the execution. (To run a .NET application, the target computer should have .NET framework installed.) The .NET framework converts the calls to .NET class libraries to the corresponding APIs of the Operating system.
The .NET Framework
      .NET is a collection of tools, technologies, and languages that all work together in a framework to provide the solutions that are needed to easily build and deploy truly robust enterprise applications.
Overview of .Net Framework

      At the base of the .NET Framework is the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR is the engine that manages the execution of the code. The next layer up is the .NET Framework Base Classes. This layer contains classes, value types, and interfaces that you will use often in your development process. The third layer of the framework is ASP.NET and Windows Forms.
Common Language Runtime
      The Common Language Runtime (CLR) in the .NET Framework manages the execution of the code and provides access to a variety of services that will make the development process easier.

·         Cross-language integration
·         Code access security
·         Debugging and profiling support
     After using one of the language compilers, your code is compiled down to Microsoft Intermediate Language. Microsoft Intermediate Language, known as MSIL or simply IL, is a CPU-independent set of instructions that can be easily converted to native code. The metadata is also contained within the IL.

        The IL is CPU-independent. This means that IL code is not reliant on the specific computer that generated it. In other words, it can be moved from one computer to another (as long as the computer supports the .NET Framework) without any complications. After IL, the code that you started with will be compiled down even further by the JIT compiler to machine code or native code.

Life History of Shrimad Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya

            About 1200 years ago, In angamali near to kalady (north side of periyar) Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya born in kaipalli ellam.There was a nampoothiri Vidyadiraja had a son Sivaguru.After gurukula education he liked to be a nun. But his father’s desire that he married. His wife is Aryamba from eranakulam, piravam near pazhur village in melpazhoor ellam.Years passed and they had no children.
          They done pooja for Lord Shiva (Lord Vadakkunathan) and prayed for a son. Lord Shiva appeared before Sivaguru in dream and gave him an option. That is, whether he want intelligent, less lived or long lived, less intelligent son.Sivaguru didn’t take a moment to think about this and he told we want intelligent son even he is less aged. Lord Shiva blessed them a son who is extremely intelligent. But Sivaguru couldn’t get luck to see his son’s growth.Sivaguru died when he was at 3 yrs old. It’s a funny story about the birth of Shankaracharya.

        During his education Shankara happened to go to the house of a very poor lady for alms for his guru. But she had nothing to given to Shankara. She gave the only Amla fruit to Shankara because she could not send a Brahmachari empty handed. Shankar was moved by her selflessness and prayed to Goddess Lakshmi in a sloka.After completion of this stotram, Goddess Lakshmi appeared and showered gold coins on that poor lady's house. That stotram then known to be the Kanaka Dhara Stotram.
       After complete his education, Shankara wanted to become Sanyasi, but mother did not allow him. One day when Shankara was taking bath in poorna river (Periyar), a crocodile caught hold of his leg. Shankara called out to his mother. Aryamba came and she cried for help. Sri Shankara told his mother that allows me to become sanyasi.She gave permission because she hadn’t any option.Shankara realizes that his life was nearing to an end, but if he became a Sanyasi, he could start a new life as a sanyasi. Thus Sri Shankara took Sanyasa when he was only eight years old.
       Sri Shankara went in the search of a Guru to be formally initiated as a Sanyasi. At the banks of the river Narmada he found a yogi named Govinda Padan. At that time he was doing meditation in a cave and a lot of people waiting out him receiving advices. One summer season, he found the river gushing forth into floods. Suddenly he encapsulated the river in a pot and released it in the banks of the river. Sri Govinda Padan taught various Vedas to Sri Shankara. He also taught about Advaita, the principle that everyone in this world is the manifestation of God and that God and Atman are one and the same. He advises Sri Shankara to go out in the world and spread this truth throughout the country.
      When Shri Shankara was 16, a very old Brahmin of ill health started arguments with him about Brahmasutra bashyam which Shri Shankara had written. The arguments continued for days together. He understood that the old man was none other than Vyasa Rishi, who was the creator of Brahmasutra. Vyasa Rishi said "I fully agree with your bashyam and I wanted to establish that yours is correct. I bless that you should live another 16 years and you should spread this Advaita throughout the country."
      One afternoon Shankara going to ganga river with his disciples. His path was blocked by an "untouchable" who was accompanied with 4 dogs. The disciples of Sri Shankara shouted at him to make way, and to keep a distance. The untouchable smiled and said, ""According to your principle of Advaita, all the Jivatma are same as God. How am I different from your Paramacharya? How can I go away from myself?" Sri Shankara understood that it was Lord Shiva himself who had come along with His escort and the four Vedas.
     One day Sri Shankara and his disciples sitting near the ganga for vedanda  one of them, Sanandhanan, was drying the clothes of his Guru and suddenly Sri Shankara called him to the other bank of the river as he needed the clothes urgently. Sananandha realizing that he would drown, starts walking into the river. However, the Grace of his Guru resulted in a lotus materializing wherever he was keeping his foot. When asked as to how he crossed the river, he says that when his Guru calls, he is not to worry about anything. After this incident Sananandha named Padma Pada.
     When Sri Shankara was in Sringeri, he divined by his superior powers that his mother was in her deathbed, and as per his promise while taking Sanyas that he would be by her side while she breathes her last. He reached Kalady and paid his last respects to the old lady. As per the principles Sanyasi does not have the right to do the last rites, but he carried the body of Aryamba and put her in the pyre himself. No one gave fire to destroy that body and he made fire by his hands and do the karmas.

        Sri Shankara learnt that there was a great rich person by the name Mandana Mishra who lived in Mahishmati and who followed the Karma Mimamsa method of devotion. Sri Shankara arrived at his house and found his house was closed and Mandana Mishra was carrying out some rituals inside his house. Sri Shankara entered the house by using his powers. Mandana Mishra became very angry and shouted at Sri Shankara. But Sri Shankara smiled and explained the uselessness of such rituals.

     Sri Shankara went all over the country and taught Advaita. He revived a number of temples and established a number of Yantras in these temples to spread the blessings of Para-Shakti. During his travels, he arrived at a village Sriveli. A poor Brahmin named Prabhakaran came to Sri Shankara with his deaf and dumb son. Sri Shankara asked the boy, "who are you and why you become like this?” .The dumb and deaf child, for the first time, opened his mouth and explained, "The body is not me, it is the Paramatma who is me." Sri Shankara was pleased with his answer and he gave an amla fruit and named this boy as Hastamalakam (Hasta means hand and Amalak means amala). He became one of the principle disciples of Sri Shankara.
         One of the disciples of Sri Shankara named Giri, while listening to the discourses never asked anything. Disciples thought that Giri was a dumb idiot and did not know anything. One day all of his disciples sitting around him and Sri Shankara didn’t start the class. Then Padma Padan asked him why not start the class? He told him to waiting for Giri to arrive. He replied that he couldn’t know the words and he didn’t understand anything. That time Giri washed guru’s dress in river. Ultimately, Giri turned up and burst forth into eight slokas which had never been heard by the disciples earlier. These were the creation of Giri. These slokas are called "Trotaka ashtakam". Giri was named as “Thodakacharyar” by Sri Shankara.

Emerging Vision

           Everyone has views about their life, society and anything else related to him. Everyone is different from others and we also try to be different in all sense. Because all of them thinking differently, acting differently and behaving differently. That means a lot of differences in our views. These are the features to be considered while a human being different from any other organism. Whatever happens someone views didn’t change? They are still in darkness and blind world. If we direct our views correctly, we can open a wide way to a great vision. For this change, what we have to do?

My views, Your views and Our views
       If our views to be valid first we have to be a good viewer. How to be a good viewer? We will give positive approach towards our views. For that we will put our views in a positive frame. A good viewer should respect others views also. Even it is not acceptable to you, try to understand others approaches. Criticism is not a good solution for evaluating others views .But we can do one thing that is we can review it by any means. For that we can make a comparison with different views of different people. Then analyze the similarities and differences between the views. From this formulate our views in good manner.

Good viewer’s good views will become good visions
     In any case, visions are the stepping stone for great success. For example, a schools success determine with the visions depends on the principal. If his views are valuable, it will automatically spread out to staff and students also. Likewise in our family, parent’s views will influence the entire family life success. People are the creator and destroyer of a nation. That is growth of a country decides not only the leaders but also peoples around the surrounding. It means that our views depend on the success of a country. So make, follow and act good visions for a great nation through good views.


Baselios Mar Cleemis Bava ordained to Cardinal

         Major Archbishop of Malankara Catholica Baselios Mar Cleemis Bava ordained as Cardinal at Vatican on saturday.He is the first cardinal of Syro Malankara Catholica sabha.He was born in mukkoor, Thiruvalla on June 15 1959 as Issac Thottunkal. Major Archbishop Mar George Alencheri of Syro Malabar was ordained as Cardinal early this year. For the holy cardinal ordination, the Syro-Malankara Catholic Sabha has got its first Prince of the Church.Cleemis is known to be the youngest cardinal in the world as per the details revealed. Instead of George Alencheri, he follows Joseph Parekkatil, Antony Padiyara, Varkey Vithayathil; all of them belong to his predecessors in his holy journey.
Holy Life of Cardinal Mar Cleemis Bava
      Mar Cleemis Bava was born in 1959 June 15 at mukkoor,Thirualla,Kerala.His primary education was in St.Mary’s High School,Mukkoor.He Attended the Minor Seminary Formation in Thiruvalla during the year 1976 to 1979.During 1979 to 1982, received B.Phil degree from St.Joseph’s Pontifical Institute,Mangalapuzha,aluva .In the year 1982 he started to study  B.Th  from Papal Seminary,Pune and received degree in 1986.After that  he Studied Master of Theology in Dharmaram College, Bangalore from 1986 to 1989.Then he took Doctorate in Ecumenical Theology from Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Rome in 1997.
            His career start from Eparchy of Bathery as Vicar General.He nominated as the Apostolic visitor and the Auxiliary Bishop of Trivandrum on 18 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II.  He was consecrated on 15 August 2001 at Tirumoolapuram, Thiruvalla, assuming the name Isaac Mar Cleemis.He appointed as sixth Bishop of the Eparchy of Thiruvalla on September 11, 2003. Cleemis was installed as the first Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archieparchy of Thiruvalla on June 10, 2006.

      Mar Cleemis was elected the Second Major Archbishop Catholicos of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. It was done through the first Holy Episcopal Synod of election of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church held on 7–10 February 2007 at Catholicate Centre, Pattom, Trivandrum. Pope Benedict XVI approved the election and it was announced on 10 February at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Pattom, Trivandrum. Baselios Cleemis was enthroned the Second Major Archbishop-Catholicos of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church on 5 March 2007 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Pattom.
     Major Archbishop Baselios Cleemis ordinated Cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI in St.Peters Basalika, Vatican on 24 November 2012. He is the first bishop of the Malankara diocese and the fifth Keralite becoming cardinal.


Top Ways to lead a Successful Life

How to achieve Success in Life?

        Whenever you think about the ways behind success? There are a lot of steps needed for a successor to be hired. Success is not achieved by one day it’s a gradual process and starting from our birth. But we will realize this only when we growing up. Most of them seriously think about success when failure happens in their life. Failure and success is the two sides of a coin. Sometimes failure is useful for realizing the value of success.

1. Mode of thinking: The mode of thinking is important in this case. Be positive always and forget the negatives. Avoid negative thinking.

2. Setting goals: Goal setting is essential for success. Make plan to the tasks what you are going to do. According to the plan do one by one or using preferences. Doing hard work for achieving the goal is the best option.

3. Hard work: Without hard work we can’t achieve anything in any field. Hard work is the milestone for every success. For that we have a good mind to do that. Also we love the work what we are going to do.

4. Good Listener: Be a good learner and a good listener is a learner. You should learn something everyday. So you can increase your knowledge.

5. Communication with people: If you effectively communicate with others you can gather lots new knowledge from others. If you didn’t understand anything you can openly ask to them. Because no one is perfect in this world. And you think if you are a totally complete person, you don’t want to read this and I don’t want to write this here.

6. Be different: You just try to be different from others. So be a good person and a good person have good personality.

7. Be Responsible: You should take responsibility and it is very important for managing life.
8. Manage Life: We are the managers of our life and we can manage in any way. But if the management fails, the entire thing I mentioned above is waste. So be alert at every moment and carefully read and write your life. Everything is in your hand.

9. Select Good Path: Path selection is also important for the success achieved in life. If we select right path, we can hire to top. Otherwise it falls to zero.

10. Leave “I”: The last thing and the most important thing is to leave “I”. If “I” come with us we can’t achieve success if we did anything for any sake. So not “I”, then what? am here ”V.


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